Thursday, November 01, 2007

More tests on Google automatic translations and some comments

Google automatic translation Human translation Comments
Original text une technologie à base de règles if the semantic context tells the human translation conveys the right meaning and if the automatic translation produces a result that is correct in other contexts, Google finds results that are appropriate to the context
Translation A technology-based rules A rules-based technology
Google finds 1250000 1250000
Automatic reverse translation Une technologie à base de règles Une technologie reposant sur des règles If the semantic context is important to find a right translation, automatic reverse translation can degrade the number of Google results
Google finds 2040000 304000
Original text Google choisit une approche statistique, qui consiste à gaver les machines de milliards de mots de texte When then automatic translation is not good, compared to a human translation, less results are found with Google
Translation Google chooses a statistical approach, which consists of machines unheard of billions of words of text Google chooses a statistical approach, which consists in feeding machines with billions of words of text
Google finds 12800 41000
Automatic reverse translation Google choisit une approche statistique, qui se compose de machines inouïe de milliards de mots de texte Google choisit une approche statistique, qui consiste à nourrir les machines avec des milliards de mots de texte Automatic reverse translation of a bad automatic translation yields results that are semantically less consistent
Google finds 465 12800
Original text une approche statistique qui consiste à gaver les machines de milliards de mots de texte  
Translation A statistical approach, which is to force-feed the machines of billions of words of text A statistical approach, which consists in stuffing the machines full of billions of words of text
Google finds 301 166000
Automatic reverse translation Une approche statistique, qui consiste à nourrir de force les machines de milliards de mots de texte Une approche statistique, qui consiste en pleine bourre les machines de milliards de mots de texte
Google finds 123000 21400


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